
Good Oil Days is presented by the City of Humble. The Festival Management Team will have final authority in the manner of interpretation and enforcement of all rules and regulations related to the event, and reserves the right to accept or reject any application for exhibit space at its sole discretion. Please read these rules and regulations carefully.
Booths are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. Tables, chairs, display units, etc. are the responsibility of each exhibitor. Multiple booths may be purchased at the time of application. ELECTRICITY WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE.
Booths must be confined to the space you purchase. This includes awnings, displays, tables, and chairs. Exhibits may not interfere with other exhibits or impede access to them or impede the free use of the street. Exhibitors may not assign, sublet, or share any part of their designated space without the prior written consent of the Festival. All exhibits, including graphics utilized and products displayed, are subject to approval by the Festival’s management team. There will be no early load-outs. NO RAIN DATE.
Exhibitors not occupying their allocated booth(s) by 9:30 am on the day of the Festival will forfeit assigned space. The Festival Management Team is authorized to occupy the same as it sees fit, without in any way releasing the Exhibitor from any liability hereunder.
Use of a generator is allowed however, generators must be placed behind the booth away from public areas. Each food vendor must comply with health requirements.
Permits are required by Harris County Health Regulations. Each food vendor is responsible for obtaining the proper permits. Any food vendor who is observed to be operating in an unsafe or unsanitary manner will be asked to leave the festival.
The following fee schedule is for Exhibitors and Food Vendors.
- Exhibitor Booths – $100
- Each Extra Booth – $75
- Food Vendors – $250